Inexpensive drawing tool

Inexpensive drawing tool

Inexpensive drawing tools can make it easy for you to draw. Hearing the word picture will automatically lead to the drawing tools. For those of you who like to draw comics or anime drawings, of course, you need some additional tools that you can use. Look for a sketch tool that makes it easy for you to shape every curve of comic characters.

It’s just that in order to be a great draftsman, you have to have great tools too. Not all drawing tools are expensive. There are several tools that you can use at a low price. Of course, you are not curious about what tools you can get at low prices.

Here are some of the items:

Pen tablets

Ricci-arte – One of the tools that you can get at a fairly affordable price. You can give HUION brand products. Tablets that provide low prices with several complete and interesting features. You can say that HUION tablets are good, not inferior to other brands of tablets. So you can easily draw your anime characters easily. The feature most often used is the connection of the tablet pen to the Android phone. Can easily apply it without complications.


If you like to draw and for the first time you want to start drawing, you can use a stylus. No need to give a new device at a high price. You can use a stylus. A tool that has been developed and can be connected with several other devices such as Android or IOS. The pen-like model makes it easier for you to shape and move freely.

affordable prices//advanced tools

Colored pencils
In addition to sophisticated electronic tools, you can start doing manual coloring using colored pencils. Every color that is produced by colored pencils is very beautiful and also sweet. One of the colored pencils that are often used are Luna and Faber Castell’s colored pencils. Each colored pencil has a different number of colors based on the contents of the box. There are many different colored pencil refills available. From cheap prices to quite expensive prices.

Alat Gambar murah

Alat Gambar murah

Alat gambar murah bisa kalian temukan di beberapa toko buku. Bila membicarakan gambar tentu kalian akan langsung terpikirkan ke arah alat gambarnya. Sebagai seorang pencinta gambar tentu akan melengkapi semua alatnya menjadi lebih complet. Ada banyak jenis alat gambar yang bisa kalian gunakan dalam mengambar seperti : pensil warna, buku gambar, crayon, cat air, dan masih banyak lagi.

Tapi apa jadinya bila semua alat gambar yang kalian kumpulkan ternyata sangat mahal. Tentu kalian akan jadi lesu dan mencari cara untuk bisa mendapatkan alat gambar yang harganya terjangkau. Mengambar merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang paling menyenangkan. Di saat sedang sedih atau senang kalian bisa utarakan semuanya di sebuah lukisan.


Ricci-arte – Ada banyak jenis alat gambar yang bisa kalian temukan. Hampir semua alat gambar yang di jual memiliki harga yang cukup mahal. Hal tersebut tentu akan membuat kalian tidak bisa membeliinya. Tapi tahukah kalian kalau dari semua alat gambar yang mahal ternyada ada pula alat gambar yang murah.

Tidak semua alat gambar mahal. Tentu kalian penasaran bukan mengenai alat gambar apa yang memiliki nilai rumah?

  • Crayon
penganti warna cat air//warna cantik

Salah satu alat gambar yang mempunyai nilai murah. Alat gambar yang mudah di gunakan dan memberi warna – warna yang cantik.

Kertas kreep

Kertas kreep atau kertas kendor bisa menjadi alat gambar. Bagi kalian yang suka berkarya tentu tahu bagaimana cara menggunakan kertas kreep atau kertas kendor. Kertas yang di kenakan air akan luntur dan bisa menghasilkan warna sesuai dengan warna kertas. Pewarnaan alami yang bisa kalian gunakan sebagai cat air.

  • Pensil Warna

Ada banyak jenis pensil warna yang bisa kalian dapatkan dari harga murah sampai mahal. Setiap mereka pensil warna akan mempengaruhi harga dari pensil warna. Ada berbagai jenis ukuran di dalam pencil warna ukuran kecil atau besar. Pensil warna yang kecil akan memberi harga lebih murah dari pensil warna yang isinya lebih banyak atau Panjang.

Jenis Cetakan kue

Jenis Cetakan kue

Jenis cetakan kue ada banyak macam dan berbeda – beda bahan dasar cetakan. Bagi kalian yang suka membeli kue tentunya sudah tidak asing dengan jenis cetakan kue yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Ada banyak jenis cetakan yang bisa kalian temukan baik dari cetakan kue tradisional maupun yang sudah inernasional.

Kue merupakan makanan yang memiliki banyak serat dan lemak. Setiap bentuk kue yang di sajikan sangatlah lucu, unik dan lezat. Tidak heran kalau Sebagian orang ingin sekali membeli kue atau membuat kue di rumah. Melihat sekilas terlihat enak dan ingin sekali membuatnya. Tapi tahukah kalian kalau untuk membuat kue harus menyediakan cetakannya.

Mengenal Cetakan

Ricci-arte – Ada banyak jenis cetakan yang bisa kalian pilih sepuasnya sesuai dengan bentuk yang ingin kalian buat. Membuat kue yang enak dan lezat bisa dengan membuat motif yang lucu. Untuk kalian yang masih belum mengenal dunia kue tentu akan kebingungan bukan dengan model cetakan yang tersedia. Memilih cetakan berdasarkan bentuk dan bahan yang harus kalian pahami yaitu:

Berikut beberapa jenis bahan cetakan yaitu:

  • Baja

Untuk kalian yang suka membuat kue dengan di panaskan tentunya harus menyiapkan sebuah cetakan yang dari baja. Dengan menggunakan bahan baja kue yang kalian buat akan memberikan panas yang merata dan matang dengan rata. Kue yang sering menggunakan cetakan baja biasanya martabak.

  • Alumunium
beda penggunaannya//cetak

Salah satu cetakan kue yang paling banyak di gunakan oleh para pembuat kue. Baik kue tradisional maupun internasional. Bahan alumunium yang di gunakan bukanlah berbahan tipis. Melainkan menggunakan bahan tebal seperti cetakan baja.

  • Plastic

Untuk membuat kue tentu bukan hanya bahan baja dan alumunium saja. Ada pula yang membuat kue dengan bahan plastic. Hanya saja di bahan cetakan plastic tidak bisa di gunakan dalam oven atau pemangang listrik. Bahan plastic bisa meleleh dan meledak bila di gunakan dalam oven. Hanya dengan cara di kukus saja bahan plastic bisa di gunakan.

Equipment available at home

Equipment available at home

Equipment available at home, of course, one day you can use it easily. Many people don’t know that preparing some handyman tools at home can help make all the work easier. It’s not just carpenters and technicians who need equipment. You also have to be obliged to provide equipment at home.

Just imagine when there are some things that are broken and you want to fix them, of course, you need tools, right? It’s impossible for you to always call a handyman to repair minor damage. So, so that you can repair minor damage, you can use the equipment that you have prepared at home.

Here are some tools that must be at home, namely:


Ricci-arte – Tools that will often be used to open equipment. The bolts that are attached to the tool can of course be opened with a screwdriver. There are two types of screwdrivers available, namely minus and plus screwdrivers. With a screwdriver, you will easily open the bolt.

makes all work easier//screwdriver


One of the tools that you will often use to cut wires or as a nail remover. Nails that are difficult to take can make someone scratch or hurt. For those of you who have problems with nails, you can take them using pliers. Not only as a cable-cutting tool, but pliers can also sometimes be a multifunctional tools.


The hammer is the tool you use the most. To nail, of course, you need a tool that is strong and can nail it accurately. The hammer is the most important tool in nailing an object firmly and won’t let go. By placing the nails correctly, the hammer is ready to nail firmly.

To cut wood more quickly and practically, you can use a saw. There are many types of saws available from power saws to hand saws. To complete your home, you can choose to use a hand saw. Practical tools can help you cut wood easily.

A small weapon that you can use to fasten an object. Nails can sometimes become hooks for clothes, plastic, and so on.
Electric drill
Make holes quickly and neatly using an electric drill. In addition to making drill holes, it is also often used as a tool to insert plus bolts. A faster way of working without having to take a long time.
As a protective hand that is protected from cuts and scratches. Gloves will protect your hands from painful scratches. Make your hands protected and hands smooth smooth

Kit for cleaning cat fur

Kit for cleaning cat fur

There are several types of cat hair cleaning tools that can help you clean a room full of cat hair. Having a cat is indeed very funny and adorable. Their every behavior gives a lot of cuteness and cuteness that makes many people don’t want to let go. Kit for cleaning cat fur

Raising cats is easier than raising other animals. Those who are the most active don’t bother the household. Most cats prefer to do everything alone except eat. If a domestic cat will certainly ask for healthy food from its master.


Ricci-arte – Caring for furry animals, of course, must make you prepare a vacuum cleaner. Not all rooms will be clean quickly if you just sweep them, there are a number of tools that you have to prepare, such as:

Vacuum cleaner

Become one of the tools that you must have. If you are in an open room, of course, it will be easy to clean it. But cat hair is very much. Spread out in various places so you have to suck up all the rooms on each side. Either in an open room or even in the smallest cracks.


interfere with breathing//remove all the hairs

Besides a vacuum cleaner, you can also clean the room using water. Not poured in the room. But your hands are wet with water and you wipe the place where you think there is hair. Now the fur will stick easily. Cleaning the room with water takes a lot of time. You can start cleaning it regularly every day, guaranteeing that the room will be clean of fur.

Duct tape

Not having a vacuum doesn’t mean the room will be full of cat hair. You can prepare duct tape to clean the room. Attach the duct tape where you think there are a lot of hairs, then let it sit for a few seconds and take the duct tape that you have installed. Automatically the feathers will be picked up easily.

Feather cleaner

A cleaning tool that looks like a board with an adhesive base can help remove all the hair in every corner of the room. A sophisticated tool that you can use on sofas, mats, carpets, or even on clothes.

Feather roller

Clean the cat’s fur using a fur roller. All the feathers will stick quickly. A tool that you can also use on all materials such as carpets, sofas, clothes and others.

Baby equipment

Baby equipment

Baby equipment is the main thing when a baby needs a place to sleep as also some other additional equipment. When you hear the news that you are going to become a mother, of course, it is good news that cannot be said anymore. A happiness that you can not sculpt and express in words.

Waiting for the future baby to be born into the world, of course, you have to prepare some of the most important baby equipment. As a future mother, of course, you have to be careful and thorough when buying baby equipment. Don’t just buy baby gear. For those of you who are becoming mothers for the first time, of course, you need some references from friends or parents.

The equipment that you have to prepare is:

Baby box
The baby box is the most important piece of equipment and must also have. The crib will become a crib. When newborns cannot be compared to adults. This is done because babies can be crushed together with their parents. So that the baby can sleep safely in the baby box. Ricci-arte

Baby clothes

Choosing baby clothes will certainly make you confused. Many people say that when choosing baby clothes, you have to look at the gender of the child, male or female. If your men can choose blue and women pink. Choosing clothes is actually not the color you are looking for but the quality of the clothes for your baby. Choose clothes that can make the baby comfortable and not easily irritated.

preparing baby items//equipment


As a future mother, of course, you also have to prepare pampers for the baby. At a young age, you cannot control the time to defecate, so you have to prepare diapers for the baby. Choose the type of pampers that have the best quality for babies.

Diapers and pants

Prepare diapers and pants for the baby. Prepare more baby diapers so you don’t run out when changing baby diapers in winter. Choose good quality pants and choose pants that are comfortable to wear on your baby.

Of course, there is much more equipment that you have to prepare such as:

Bolster pillow
Baby socks
Baby hat
Baby hanging t-shirt
Mosquito net
Baby swaddle
Bottle of milk
Bottle cleaning tool
Baby shampoo
Hand and body wash
Moisturizing and others.

Baking tool

Baking tool

Tools for making cakes are very many types. For those of you who like to make cakes, of course, you have to complete all the equipment in the kitchen. There are lots of tools that you can have in making cakes. Making cakes for important days, of course, you must be diligent and continue to make cakes that are delicious and delicious.

Making cakes does take a long time. Especially if you are still a beginner, it will take a long time to make it. Even though it takes a long time, the result is satisfactory. To make a cake, of course, you have to prepare some tools to make a cake. The price for each tool is different.

Setting up funds

It takes a lot of money to be able to buy all the cake tools you need. Turning an ordinary kitchen into a complete cake kitchen, of course, you have to prepare carefully. Of course, those of you who like to make cakes, already know what tools are needed. Unlike some beginners who still don’t know anything about cake tools? Ricci-arte

Here is the equipment that you can have:

Get to know baking tools//make

A tool that is often used to knead the dough. With a mixer, the dough that is stirred will quickly become and expand beautifully.

Of course, you have to prepare the oven for bread. There are 2 types of ovens available, namely stove ovens and electric ovens. Stove ovens use fuel from the stove. Meanwhile, the power electric stove used uses electricity. The electric oven can set the temperature and hours.

The tool is used to stir cake ingredients that have been mixed perfectly.

baking sheet
To print the cake you have to prepare a baking sheet. There are many types of pan sizes from small to large. From round motifs to unique motifs.
Baking paper
As a base for making bread. Usually, parchment paper is prepared in a cake tin that you want to fill with dough that is ready to be baked in the oven or steamed.

You want all the ingredients to be used just right and nothing more can be done by using a food scale. Weighing all the ingredients correctly will help you get a delicious and soft cake.

Cake décor
Small tools are often used to decorate cakes. A small printing tool that makes it easier for you to form decorations on the cakes you make.