Alat yang sering di gunakan tukang bangunan

Alat yang sering di gunakan tukang bangunan

Alat yang sering di gunakan tukang bangunan sangatlah banyak. Bila membicarakan tukang bangunan tentu saja kalian akan penasaran dengan alat – alat apa saja yang mereka gunakan bukan. hampir semua bangunan menggunakan alat yang sama. Hanya saja tergantung jenis pekerjaan yang mereka kerjaakan.

Di dunia pembangunan ada 2 jenis tukang yang harus kalian ketahui. Tidak semua tukang sama kerjanya. Tukang utama dan laden adalah sebutan untuk mereka yang bekerja sebagai tukang bangunan. Tentu kalian pernah bertanya – tanya kenapa orang yang kerjanya mengangkat pasir tidak bisa mengerjakan yang lain.

Tukang dan laden

Dalam system pertukangan tukang utama adalah orang yang bisa mengerjakan semua proyek dengan mudah. Bisa menentukan arah bangunan serta menentukan jenis bahan apa saja yang akan mereka gunakan. Berbeda Dengan laden yang hanya mengikuti semua perkataan tukang utama. Laden bertugas mengayak adonan semen, pasir, angkat -angkat barang dan sebagainya.

Bila di tanya tugas utama lebih berat dari pada tugas laden. Hanya saja bila tak ada laden maka semua pekerjaan jadi terbengkalai. Proses jadi lama dan memakan banyak waktu. Meski pekerjaan laden terlihat enteng sebenarnya berat juga. Selain itu tukang bangunan juga harus memiliki alat – alat yang mendukung semua pekerjaan. Beberapa alat yang mungkin sudah familiar untuk kalian seperti:

  • Cangkul
  • Sekop
  • Ember
  • Gergaji
  • Benang jagung
  • Paku
  • Palu
  • Alat keseimbangan
  • Pemotong keramik
  • Grenda
  • Bor dan masih banyak lagi
2 tukang yang berbeda//jenis

Bahan membangun rumah

Alat – alat yang akan sering mereka gunakan saat membangun rumah. Bukan hanya alat – alat bangunan saja masih ada pula bahan bangunan yang harus di sediakan. Dalam membangun rumah para tukang harus mengecek dahulu bahan – bahan apa saja yang harus mereka gunakan. Bahan tambahan yang sering di siapkan yaitu :

  • Pasir
  • Batu spliet
  • Semen
  • Batu bata
  • Air
  • Keramik
  • Pralon
  • Kawat besi dan lainnya

Bahan yang nantinya akan di gunakan dalam membangun rumah.

Alat tulis yang sering di gunakan anak sekolah

Alat tulis yang sering di gunakan anak sekolah

Alat tulis yang sering di gunakan anak sekolah sangatlah banyak. Perlengkapan yang merupakan alat yang wajib harus di miliki setiap anak sekolah. Bukan hanya memahami bacaan dan tulisan saja, para murid juga harus memiliki alat tulis untuk menulis semua soal dan jawaban yang guru berikan. Alat tulis juga akan sangat membantu kalian semua dalam belajar pula.

Bila di bandingkan dengan yang sekarang memang alat tulis sudah mulai berkurang. Semua tugas di siapkan melalui media online dan anak – anak pun mulai mengerjakan semua soal hanya dengan sekali klik saja. Meski demikian media online juga terkadang tidak bisa kalian buka setiap hari. Belajar dan memahami setiap ajaran membutuhkan banyak waktu.

Mulai menulis

Ricci-arte – Terkadang media juga membutuhkan waktu saat membuka data dan bisa saja mengalami trobel. Hal seperti itu tentu akan menganggu waktu belajar bukan. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut bisa dengan mulai mencatat pelajaran yang sudah kalian pelajari. Memilih alat yang tepat untuk menulis tentu menjadi hal utama.

Alat yang sering di gunakan yaitu:

membantu anak betah menulis dan belajar//suka berkreasi
  • Buku tulis
  • Pensil
  • Pulpen
  • Pengaris
  • Penghapus
  • Tips-ex
  • Spidol
  • Spidol warna
  • Note kecil
  • Solasi kecil
  • Kalkulator dan masih banyak lagi lainnya.

 Mungkin banyak yang bertanya – tanya kenapa alat belajar yang tadinya hanya memerlukan sedikit kini menjadi banyak.

Bisa Menghias Buku

Belajar memang menjadi sebuah keharusan tapi bila belajar terus – menerus tentu kalian akan mudah mengalami kebosanan. Ada beberapa orang ahli yang mengatakan menghias buku yang akan di tulis bisa membantu meningkatkan daya belajar anak. Dengan mendapatkan hiasan di setiap buku mereka bisa menentukan halaman mana dengan mudah.

Tidak perlu lagi membuka buku dengan satu persatu membuang waktu. Bagi orang lain mungkin hanya membuat buku terlihat berantakan. Tapi tahukah kalian kalau ternyata alat tulis yang mereka gunakan bisa membantu anak jadi betah belajar dan berkreasi. Meningkatkan daya imajinasi anak.

Expensive stationery

Expensive stationery

There are many kinds of expensive stationery. Writing is the most important thing in the whole world. Almost all over the world people do work related to writing. There are tons of writing tools available. Starting from pencils, pens, markers, colored pencils, and much more.

In this advanced and developing era, finding stationery is very easy. You can buy stationery at bookstores, or photocopying places, or you can online media. Of course, all you have to do is buy and choose the type of stationery you want. But did you know that stationery has a variety of prices?

Stationery quality

The cheaper the stationery, the quality of the product is not good. Unlike expensive stationery, it can give the impression of luxury and the quality of the product is very good. Many think that stationery can be so expensive. Ricci-arte Expensive stationery is usually often used by people with high positions or who really like the best results.

Of course, you are not curious about the stationery. The following are some of the stationery available such as;

decoration and ink that is not smooth//expensive pen

Nocturnal fulgor pen
Stationery that has a very expensive sale value. This stationery made in Italy sells at quite high prices, around eight million US dollars or with a nominal value of one hundred and one billion rupiahs.

Graf von Faber Castle
Graf von Faber Castel is a limited-edition pencil. This pencil that has a sharpness like a pen also offers a pretty fantastic price of one hundred and sixty million rupiahs. This pencil is not just any pencil. Graf von Faber Castel uses old olive wood as the pencil lead and doesn’t forget to decorate it in white gold with beautiful diamonds. Three diamonds can make people speechless. Complete with eraser and pencil sharpener.

Mont blanc
A pen with very good ink quality. The ink won’t spill or spill everywhere. At first glance it looks like an ordinary pen but who would have thought that a mont blanc pen had a very expensive price? To have it, you have to spend nine point two billion rupiahs to be able to have it.

Kindergarten School Equipment

Kindergarten School Equipment

Places of learning such as kindergartens have the same goal, namely to educate the nation’s children. Of course, there are many things that will be learned when entering kindergarten. And your child who will enter kindergarten will be limited in age.

When parents pay attention to their child’s age, parents also have to prepare what their child must have when going to kindergarten. Actually, there isn’t much that children need to prepare when they enter school, but sometimes parents get confused themselves. Here are kindergarten school equipment

School bag

Ricci-arte – Surely parents already know the function of a school bag. Which school bag is a place to put things such as books, pencil cases, and other small equipment. You, as parents, don’t give large bags to children so they don’t feel heavy. Apart from these reasons, the child’s growth will be disrupted.

Colored pencils

learn to draw//kindergarten stationery

Colored pencils are a tool for drawing later. In terms of writing what children need is brain intelligence. Children who have many desires so can vent through pictures. Give colored pencils that are not difficult to draw so that children become smart.

School uniforms

A school uniform is the main thing that a child must have. Because having a school uniform means that parents and children must comply with school regulations. There is nothing wrong if the child mem

Drawing Tools
Pencil case
Drinking bottles
Picture book
Places of Lunch and Food

Tools and Equipment needed to start planting

Tools and Equipment needed to start planting

There are several tools and equipment to start planting that you need to know. Those of you who are about to start planting must pay close attention to what is needed so that you don’t feel tired because you haven’t brought many tools. The following are tools and equipment to start planting


Ricci-arte – The shovel is the most useful tool for picking up fertilizer and the rest of the soil to put in the pot. With a shovel, your hands don’t get too dirty apart from that, the shovel can take a lot of soil to get into the pot.


The Hoe will be needed when you take the land that is still solid. With a Hoe you will quickly scavenge solid ground. The shape of the hoe is indeed large, but it is very much needed at the planting stage.

Planting makes the body healthy//various planting tools

Fertilizer is a medium that must be owned by a farmer or an individual. Without fertilizer, plants will take a long time to grow big. There is nothing wrong if you treating plants with fertilizer. The reason is fertilizer to make plants more fertile and well-developed.


Give just enough water when planting at an early stage. If you give a lot of water then the plants will rot easily. In planting, of course, don’t forget the water. So that plants can grow well and fresh. But during the rainy season, you don’t need to water it anymore. You can provide water with a mixture that is suitable for growing plants that you enjoy.


Take fertile soil and make sure there is no trash on the ground. Almost all plants need fertile soil to balance the pH of soil and water content. Don’t expect without soil your plants can thrive.

The benefits of cleaning tools

The benefits of cleaning tools

Clean is the main thing in keeping the house dust free. The benefits of cleaning tools are numerous. If you go back to the past maybe cleaning will seem like a hassle. Technology has developed and cleaning tools have also developed. If you don’t like the dust that sticks to you, you can start taking cleaning tools and get to work right away.

Cleaning tools become the most important tools in our daily life. If they weren’t there, we might still be dirty and unkempt. Looking neat and clean is everyone’s dream. For those who don’t know your cleaning tools, you can start asking your parents or caregivers about cleaning tools. Ricci-arte

Easily tired

Maybe, people who are not used to cleaning will continue to complain non-stop. Feeling that cleaning is a very dirty and disgusting type of work. Making the appearance that was originally neat and clean becomes dirty again. doing cleaning makes the body tired and tired.

Each tool has a different function//Miscellaneous

With sophisticated tools, of course, you no longer experience difficulties in cleaning the house. Many cleaning tools provide many conveniences for you. it doesn’t need to be difficult to clean, sophisticated cleaning tools are ready to do all the work.

Can use cleaning services

The higher and bigger you get, the more places you have to clean up. One tool alone will not be enough to clean the house. You can take important tools in cleaning items such as brooms, mops, vacuums, and many more. There are several places that offer cleaning services for every resident.

A cleaning service that can help you clean your house quickly and cleanly. Just wait for them to work and you just wait beautifully. Cleaning services have also prepared cleaning tools that are suitable and in accordance with them. The benefits that you get when cleaning your house are numerous.

The results obtained when the house is clean are:

Can help the house to be healthy
Gives a sense of comfort
No smell
There is no dust
The guests feel at home

Traditional musical instruments

Traditional musical instruments

Musical instruments in Indonesia, of course, there are a lot of them, so those of you who are musicians can try whatever musical instrument you like. Playing a musical instrument, of course, has a technique so you can use it properly and well. The following are some traditional musical instruments


Ricci-arte – The gong has several sizes so those of you who will use this gong instrument must know what size and which parts will be used.


This lute includes a musical instrument that will issue a tone through the strings. To play the lute, it is plucked, but we don’t need to lap our feet because the lute has an elongated shape and will usually be placed under or on the table.

techniques for playing musical instruments//consort

The angklung musical instrument, of course, has different sizes that will produce the right sound. Only with an angklung course, you can make a song. Because angklung has all the tones.


Bonang made of brass is of course a musical instrument to commemorate traditional ceremonies. Usually, those who use bonang are at gamelan performances.


Musical instruments are rarely known by many people, but if you look at the shape, someone will recognize it. This musical instrument comes from East Kalimantan. The Sampe musical instrument also emits music through strings, if you look at it at first glance it looks like a lute. But this Sampe has the same strings that extend from one to another, unlike the lute which has different string lengths.


The Doli-Dolimusical instrument does have a shape similar to a drum, but the Doli-Doli can only produce music from the top. The shape of the Doli – Doli itself is a half circle.


Musical instruments from the Bugis area are of course well known as Talindo. Talindo has a very unique shape, like a jug with an elongated top. This musical instrument will be played when the farmers celebrate the harvest party.

Fertilizer Tanduak

A musical instrument that has an upward curved shape where the end that will be blown is a small hole. While the big hole to issue a tone. The material used to make this instrument is the animal horn. When you use this trumpet, the sound that comes out is shrill.


This musical instrument originating from West Sumatra in Minang uses a trumpet which has a shrill sound. Who would have thought that this sound that looks normal can actually give melodious results. Musical instruments played on special days only. You can see it during rice planting events or at harvest time.


The Tifa musical instrument comes from Maluku and Papua in the form of a tube. A musical instrument that uses the hitting technique. Visiting Maluku and Papua to be able to see traditional musical instruments.

5 Tools to shrink the arms

5 Tools to shrink the arms

Shrinking the arms or any part of the body, of course, really needs tools to get more leverage. It is not beautiful to look at when you are young but have a sagging body. Having body parts that are still solid even though you have two bodies or are still young will certainly make you healthy and of course, wearing any model of clothing will still be good. The following are tools that can shrink the arms

Jump rope

Ricci-arte – Indeed, it seems that jumping is the movement of the legs and stomach. But if you realize that jumping can shrink your arms. Because the moving part of the arm will make the rope move as you wish.

Pull Ups

Pull-ups are not easy for beginners, that’s why when you are going to do pull-ups it is better to look for poles that have parallel heights. Being able to do continuous pull-ups not only will the arms become thinner but the arm muscles will be stronger.

choose sports equipment//plants

Many underestimate yoga, even though the correct yoga position will make the arms smaller. Continuously doing yoga in the right position, it will make the hands become statues. It doesn’t take long to do yoga which is important and consistent.


You can lift weights using a barbell. If you are lifting weights make sure the arms between one another can have the same number. If you have the same lifting distance it will make you stronger.

Push Ups

Push-ups certainly do not use any tools. If you are going to do push-ups, make sure you stretch first. Push-ups should be done regularly so you can have better development. Do it gradually to get maximum results.

Reducing body parts in a healthy manner takes approximately 3 months. For that to get maximum results, you need to be consistent and patient. It doesn’t take long to exercise, but you have to do it consistently so that your body gets healthier and toned.

Home cleaning equipment

Home cleaning equipment

Home cleaning equipment is the most important thing to make the house clean and beautiful. There are some words that you may have heard that maintaining cleanliness will make you healthy and provide many benefits. To start maintaining cleanliness, of course, you can start from where you live first.

If you already know about cleanliness, of course, you won’t feel confused anymore. for cleaning, it takes some equipment that supports and helps the task gets done quickly. When it comes to cleanliness, of course, some of you already understand. There are many cleaning tools that you will find. Ricci-arte

List of cleaning tools

Starting from the usual models to models that are more sophisticated than before. However, you should also know the function of several cleaning tools. If you can use it and its function, you can also save money and take care of cleaning equipment. People who have never cleaned, certainly won’t know what tools you can use.

tools make things easier//cleanliness

Each tool has different functions and uses. It’s not just one tool that you need in cleaning.

The following are the names:

Brush the floor
Toilet cleaners
Rubbish bin
glass cloth
Vacuum cleaners
Sponges and many others

Gives a lot of benefits

There are still many names of tools that you can master. As you know, staying at home and doing various routines certainly makes you not easily tired and sleepy. It’s the same thing as cleaning that you have to do every day.

Doing cleaning activities provides many benefits for you, an activity that you don’t realize can make you healthy and not get sick easily. And know how to clean the house properly. The benefits that you will get can be useful in the places you will visit.

Cat bath equipment

Cat bath equipment

You also have to have cat bath equipment. Cats are classified as animals that can be said to like to keep clean. But even so, cats can also be dirty without you knowing it. Hair that starts to darken and lots of dust will certainly make your cat look dirty and unkempt.

So the thing you have to do in order to be able to bathe your cat is prepared some equipment that supports your cat’s bathing activities. Of course, you already know that cats really hate water. When they hear the word bath they will immediately run away or will cry wailing so as not to be bathed.

To bathe your cat, you have to prepare several tools such as:

Nail clipper

Ricci-arte – Prepare a tool for clipping cat nails. Friend’s cat’s nails are very easy Long. When you start to get long nails, take your time to cut your cat’s nails. This is done so that the cat does not scratch and does not damage the furniture. Before bathing your cat, you can cut their nails first so that when you bathe them, the cat doesn’t scratch them.

Cat towels

prepare toiletries//towel

When bathing a cat, of course, you will feel a vibration that is in the cat. Cats are animals whose stamina is quite weak compared to other animals. When exposed to water they will cry and run away. But if it gets into the water, you have to prepare a thick towel to wash the cat’s body. Material that gives the cat a warm and soft feeling.


Choose a shampoo specifically for cats. To bathe your cat, you can’t just take shampoo. Choose a special type of cat shampoo. Shampoo that can make hair smooth and soft. So choose a shampoo that is specifically for cats.

Cat comb

When bathing the cat also prepare a special comb for cats. The comb used when bathing the cat will help pick up the tangled cat fur. Apart from bathing, you can also comb the cat when its fur starts to dry. Use a comb to comb the cat’s fur. A comb that can make them comfortable and not in pain.