Modern carpenter tools

Modern carpenter tools

You can find modern carpenter tools in several building shops. for those of you who want to start working and make a business out of wood, of course, you need some tools that are suitable for carpenters. You can choose carpenter equipment from manual to modern models.

Having a good and sturdy wood shape will certainly make your ideas for making beautiful and elegant furniture. To get maximum results, of course, you also have to prepare several tools that you can use to manage wood that is still intact.

There are lots of tools that you should have available, namely:


Ricci-arte – The cutting tool that you most often find when building a house or in a warehouse. The saw has a coating that is so sharp that if you touch it, you might get hurt. The saws that you often find may be different from the carpenters who often pick up wood. There are many types of saws available and you can choose according to their use.

Profile machine
A tool that is often used by all carpenters. Many carpenters use this machine to form certain images and motifs. Carpenters more often use profile machines when making motifs on doors such as flat or descending lines. But if you want to use it for other motives, you can also use a profile machine.

There are two types of wood tools to choose from//hammer

Carpentry tools are more often used by builders and carpenters. The drill has many functions from making holes to installing scrubs and many more. The drill itself has different hole sizes. Now the drill is even more sophisticated than before. Some use electricity and manual.

To make the nail stuck just right, of course, a strong hammer is needed. The hammer is a hammer that is often used by many people. It’s not only carpenters who use hammers, ordinary people can also use hammers.

Types of pens

Types of pens

While writing, have you ever paid attention to your pen style? not everyone will pay attention to the type of pen they use. Only some people can see and know what type of pen they are using. There are many types of pens that you can find.

Each company must have its own model and brand for making pens. Each type can help you do all the questions easily. Even though it can help you easily, it turns out that the pen itself also has many unexpected drawbacks.

There are several pen models that you can choose from:

For pens that can be refilled, you definitely need ink and tools to insert ink. This is usually done by several pen manufacturers. So that your writing is good and interesting, it usually influences the pen model. This is why sometimes the price of a pen is expensive because the model of the pen or pen is good. Ricci-arte

When you write, you must find several pens that have thick and black ink models. There are some pens that have a combination with gel which can make your writing thick and black. It’s just that when writing it, don’t touch it directly. Because gel pens take a little longer to dry, the ink can still leave marks.


Thick ink makes writing unreadable//different pen eyes

One of the pen models has a unique shape. When compared with other pen models, the rollerball model is very good. There are several colors available in the rollerball pen models. There are drawbacks that must be considered when using rollerballs. Because the ink model is rather liquid so when you’re writing by pressing it can make the ink translucent backward. So the writing is not clear.

One of the writing tools most often used by many people. If you like writing, drawing, and more, you can use a ballpoint. Inside is a small ball that helps get the ink out. During use try not to drop it, knock it hard, and so on.

Writing tools that are often used

Writing tools that are often used

There are many writing tools that are often used by everyone. When talking about stationery, you can get all writing equipment at bookstores or stores that sell stationery. Almost every day everyone will not be separated from stationary. Even though the world is sophisticated and modern, writing instruments are still the most important and are always sought after.

Both adults and children will always use the stationery. of course for those of you who use stationery so you understand the tools that you often use. Almost all are the same, the only difference is the type of use and the model. Surely those of you who often use stationery understand the types:


A useful writing tool for all types of writing. Not only for children who learn to write, pencils are also often used as a drawing tools and for exams. Painters sometimes make beautiful sketches with pencils and when you take a test, of course, you will need a pencil to make a block of answers. Ricci-arte

Fountain pen

If there is a pencil, then there is a pen. A pen that uses indelible ink. Unlike a pencil, if it is wrong, it will be erased with an eraser. Pens can be erased only with a special white liquid. To write firmly and legibly the pen became the writing tool for all.

can help the writing look clear//draw


It’s not just elementary school children who use rulers. Adults also use rulers. A measuring tool that you can use in forming objects through pictures. Almost everyone uses rulers such as office people, technicians, designers, architects, and many more.

If you like to write with a pen and it turns out that there is a wrong writing then use the X-tip to erase it. There are many types of X-tips that you can use. Some are in liquid form and some are shaped like glue paper which sticks directly when rolled in a book. The existence of X-tips can make your books that have been written incorrectly closed again and neatly.

Gardening alar

If you want to do gardening, prepare tools

Want to do gardening, prepare tools that can make it easy for you to move and plant plants. When talking about plants, what you have to pay attention to is the location of the land and the equipment for planting. Of course, this is a sign and a must-have for you to become a great gardener. Gardening alar

Using tools carelessly can damage the plants and make the place a mess. In order for your garden or yard to be clean and well-maintained, of course, patience and complete tools are needed in maintaining the garden, not using just any tools. Of course, those of you who like gardening, won’t have any trouble getting tools. Ricci-arte

garden supplies


To take the soil and sift the soil the thing you need is a shovel. You can easily use the sharp end to cut off the parts of the plant you don’t want.


not only the building gardeners also need//many kinds

The fork used for planting is not a dinner fork, my friend. But a fork is usually used to collect leaves in the garden or in the garden. If you are in a large garden with rather wet soil, it will certainly make it difficult for you to clean the garden. By using a garden fork everything is faster and easier.

Garden hoe

It’s not just buildings that use hoes. The planter or gardener also needs a Hoe. The hoe is better known among construction workers as a tool for sifting and picking up soil or sand. But for gardeners, the hoe can also be used as a tool for loosening the soil if the land is large.


Looking at the crop model is untidy and an eyesore. Then you will definitely prune the plant soon. What are you trimming with? To cut or trim it can use scissors. Not ordinary scissors but scissors that are used to cut plants. There are two types of scissors that you can find on the plantation, namely small scissors with a knife model like a crescent moon, and large scissors that use two hands to move them.

Even though you want your garden to look beautiful and clean, it doesn’t mean your hands are hurt and dirty. Use special gloves in planting. Gloves that can protect your hands from muddy and dirty soil while keeping your hands from getting injured.

Alat keselamatan dalam pesawat

Alat keselamatan dalam pesawat

Naik pesawat menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Siapa yang sangka kalau naik pesawat ternyata menyediakan alat keselamatan dalam pesawat. Sebuah alat yang bisa membuat kalian selamat dari berbagai gangguan dari pesawat. Tidak akan ada yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi saat menaikki pesawat terbang.

Meski demikian kalian tetap mau naik dan merasakan sensasi mendebarkan dari pesawat terbang. Tapi kalian tak perlu khawatir walaupun masih awam dan tidak tahu apa – apa. Para petugas akan memberi intruksi dan arahan agar kalian bisa menggunakan alat keamanan pesawat terbang saat sedang mengalami masa kritis.

Berikut beberapa hal yang harus kalian perhatikan saat naik pesawat terbang yaitu:

  • Sabuk

Ricci-arte – Saat pertama kali kalian datang dan duduk pasti menemukan sabuk di kursi. Sabuk tersebut berfungsi melindungi kalian dari guncangan. Sabuk pengaman yang ada di pesawat di bagi menjadi dua jenis ada untuk orang dewasa dan anak – anak. Selama dalam pesawat usahakan untuk tidak membuka sabuk kecuali saat mau pergi ke toilet.

  • Masker oxygen

Menjadi salah satu alat yang akan langsung keluar dari atas kepala. Saat udara pesawat mulai merendah masker oksigen akan langsung turun dan kalian harus langsung pakai masker tersebut agar bisa bernapas. Hal yang perlu kalian ketahui saat masker turun segera langsung gunakan bila kalian berlama – lama bisa membuat kalian pingsan dan kehabisan oksigen.


peragaan penggunaan oksigen

Hampir seluruh pesawat menyediakan pelampung di bawah kursi. Saat pesawat dalam masalah kalian harus segera menggunakan pelampungnya. Ketahui dulu cara penggunaannya. Agar saat terjadi hal yang tidak di inginkan kalian bisa langsung menggunakan tanpa harus disuruh. Selama kalian duduk akan ada petugas yang menjelaskan bagaimana cara menggunakan pelampung. ada keterangan dari kartu pesawat

  • Kartu keselamatan

Di depan duduk kalian akan menemukan beberapa cara menggunakan alat keselamatan. Petugas biasanya akan menjelaskan tapi tidak di seluruh tempat sehingga untuk kalian yang tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas bisa dengan mengikuti keterangan dari kartu keselamatan. Bentuk kartu keselamatan lebih mirip seperti brosur.

Murah mana online atau offline

Murah mana online atau offline

Bila kalian yang malas keluar rumah maka kalian bisa coba beli semua kelengkapan di dunia online. Banyak orang selalu bertanya – tanya murah mana online atau offline? Bila kalian menanyakan harga tentu bisa beragam harganya. Online menjadi salah satu alasan tercepat dan tidak perlu jauh – jauh untuk membeli barang.

Berbeda dengan offline yang mengharuskan kalian pergi keluar rumah dan membeli barang langsung ditoko. Harga yang ditawarkan di online dan offline sangatlah jauh berbeda. Seperti yang kalian ketahui sejak adanya pandemi banyak sekali toko – toko yang jualan online. Mencari pelanggan dengan melalui media sosial. Ricci-arte

Tidak Sama harganya

Dengan membeli peralatan melalui media online bisa membuat kalian jadi mudah memilih harga yang sesuai yang kalian inginkan. Berbeda dengan toko offline yang menawarkan harga yang lumayan tinggi. Sehingga saat ingin mencari harga murah jadi harus mengeluarkan banyak ongkos lagi. Mau apapun yang kalian cari semua kini jadi lebih mudah dengan online.

Perbandingan online dan offline

ada perbandingan yang kalian pilih//pilih


– Bisa pilih produk dengan mudah

– Harga beragam ada yang lebih murah

– Ada diskon dan casback

– Banyak toko yang bisa kalian pilih dan lainnya


– pergi ke toko yang dicari

– tidak bisa membandingkan harga

– siap ongkos perjalanan

– memakan waktu banyak dan lain- lain

Pendapat orang lain

Dari perbandingan tersebut tentunya banyak orang akan lebih memilih online dari pada offline. Meski demikian terkadang ada pula beberapa yang mengatakan kalau offline sebenarnya tidak buruk. Di online kalian hanya bisa melihat gambar saja dan tidak bisa melihat jenis barang yang akan kalian beli. Berbeda dengan offline yang bisa kalian pilih sesuka kalian walaupun harga yang ditawarkan sangatlah mahal.

Bisa pilih dan menentukan alat apa yang ingin kalian cari. Hal ini semua kembali kepada kalian  yang akan membeli barang yang kalian inginkan. Mendapatkan barang bagus dengan melihat langsung atau dapat harga murah tapi barang yang diinginkan tidak sama.

Peralatan Menyelam

Peralatan Menyelam

ingin menyelam di alam bebas anda harus gunakan peralatan lengkap apalagi menyelam sampai ke bagian terendah. Menyelam di lautan bebas tentu memiliki gaya berenang yang berbeda. Selain dari pada itu berenang di alam bebas hal yang perlu anda lakukan ialah

1. Masker

masker yang di miliki oleh para penyelam ialah berkacamata sekaligus menutupi area hidung. Jika anda belum terbiasa menggunakan masker maka anda harus biasakan terlebih dahulu sebelum menyelam. Fungsi dari masker ini adalah untuk menyelamatkan mata agar tidak sakit jika berlama lama di dalam air. Biasanya juga akan memperjelas pengelihatan. Ricci-arte


Anda bisa menggunakan snorkel apabila anda menyelam dalam kedalaman yang rendah. Berada di dalam air yang tidak terlalu dalam tentu hanya menggunakan snorkel saja.

cek alatjenis alat menyelam
  1. Fins
    Fins merupakan sepatu menyelam berbentuk seperti kaki katak. Sepatu ini bukan sembarang sepatu tetapi mampu menambahkan kekuatan dalam mengayuhkan kaki.
  2. Pakaian Selam
    baju selam tentu saja di butuhkan karena menggunakan baju selam anda tidak akan merasakan keberatan jika semakin dalam menuju air. Jika menggunakan pakaian biasa anda tidak akan bisa berenang dengan leluasa.
  3. Tabung udara
    tabung udara atau gas untuk membantu pernafasan. Jika anda semakin dalam berenang maka membutuhkan sekali udara melalui gas. Tentu saja harga tabung udara bukan harga murah, tetapi anda yang membutuhkannya tentu saja tidak menjadi masalah. 

Mendempul Keramik

Mulai mendempul keramik

Untuk dak keramik biasanya rembesan berasal dari nat yg lepas atau keramik yg berlubang. Mulai mendempul keramik
Ada beberapa hal juga yg harus diperhatikan di dak keramik sebelum ditangani dengan DEMP-X :
– Apakah ada air yg tergenang? Kalau ada kemungkinan posisi area yg tergenang lebih rendah sehingga air tidak bisa mengalir ke pembuangan. Sebaiknya diperbaiki dahulu.
– Apakah ada sampah di area pembuangan sehingga air tidak bisa mengalir sempurna – Apakah ada keramik yg bawahnya kopong, kalau ada sebaiknya diperbaiki dulu.

Bersihkan lantai

Setelah hal hal tersebut diatas sudah ditangani barulah kita mulai lakukan perbaikan dengan DEMP-X : – Kupas terlebih dahulu nat nat lama, bersihkan dari segala kotoran dan lapisan seperti cat atau waterproofing.
– Tempelkan masking tape disekitar jalur nat, agar hasil bisa lebih rapi dan mudah dalam membersihkannya. Ricci-arte

Pengisian jalur nat dengan DEMP-X Base Coat :

mulai membersihkan lantai//siap isi nat

– Pastikan jalur nat bersih dan tidak basah. DEMP-X Base Coat tidak bisa diaplikasikan pada area yang basah karena DEMP-X Base Coat itu solvent base.
– Aduk Base Coat A dengan baik sebelum dicampur dengan Base Coat B. Ambil Base Coat A dan B secukupnya dengan perbandingan 1 : 1 . Campur dan aduk hingga merata. Campuran DEMP-X Base Coat harus dihabiskan dalam waktu 4 jam.
– Setelah itu silahkan aplikasikan campuran DEMP-X Base Coat pada jalur nat yg telah bersih dan kering. Bisa dengan menggunakan botol plastik kecap. Isi jalur nat beberapa kali sampai jenuh, karena Base Coat akan mengisi pori-pori beton dibawah keramik. Khusus untuk area sudut pertemuan dinding dan lantai harus diisi lebih banyak.
– Dan biarkan mengering dan mengeras sempurna , minimal 12jam. Apabila pada saat aplikasi dan proses pengeringan akan hujan, segera lindungi pengisian dari hujan bisa dengan cara ditutup terpal.
– Setelah kering sempurna, lakukan tes rendam dengan air. Apabila masih ada rembesan, maka keringkan dan lakukan pengisian Base Coat lagi di area yg rembes.
– Lakukan tahapan ini berulang sampai tidak rembes lagi. Setelah itu jalur nat akan ditutup dengan DEMP-X Perekat Extreme

Pendempulan nat keramik / retakan keramik dengan DEMP-X Perekat Extreme :

– Ambil DEMP-X A dan B secukupnya disesuaikan antara kecepatan pendempulan dengan kecepatan kering adonan DEMP-X (30menit) , agar tidak ada adonan yg terbuang sia-sia. Pencampuran DEMP-X dengan perbandingan 1 : 1. Aduk adonan hingga merata. .
– Oleskan adonan DEMP-X pada area yang mau didempul. Rapikan pendempulan sebelum 30menit sebelum dempul mengeras karena apabila dempul sudah keras akan sulit untuk dirapikan. Merapikan pendempulan bisa dengan kape yg basah atau kain basah .
– Bersihkan alat, tangan dengan air dalam waktu 30menit sebelum dempul mengeras. Silahkan campur DEMP-X apabila ingin mendempul lagi. .
– Setelah pendempulan selesai, maka biarkan dempul mengering sempurna ( 12 jam ). DEMP-X yang telah kering sempurna akan keras seperti batu.
– Setelah DEMP-X kering sempurna, beri lapisan cat diatasnya

Stationery lover

Stationery lover

Stationery lovers, it turns out that there are lots of cute stationery. When talking about stationery, it’s time for the children to go to school again. Since the pandemic, many children have learned to use online media. Time to write and summarize becomes rare and makes children only read through the monitor.

But the era of staring at the screen has now begun to disappear. Children are able to carry out normal activities as in general children. Start studying and writing summaries at school. Before going to school it is better to prepare all the tools that will be used. Children can ask their parents or adults to take them to choose the type of stationery they want.


There are many types of stationery that you can get. Almost all needs, sometimes we forget and buy it based on its funny and cute shape. Surely you’ve experienced it right? You can feel the feeling of a dilemma when buying stationery when you come face-to-face, such as Ricci-arte

Choose what you need
Buy the stationery you need. Try all the tools and see how much the writing tool you have chosen can do.

Different goals

The most fun thing is when buying cute types of stationery. All of you must have experienced like as long as you buy. Seeing something cute and cute makes you not focus and buy it right away.

buy based on funny and cute//collection

Not used
Have you ever met someone who likes unique things? Those who like unique and funny things will definitely not use the book. prefer it on display and don’t want to use it because it’s a shame.

Afraid of being dirty
Have you ever met someone who always maintains cleanliness? Of course, we have met, especially when it comes to dust, it will be wiped immediately. Likewise, with stationery lovers who see cute and cute stationery that is dirty, they will immediately clean it. It’s better to keep it and not use it for fear of getting dirty.

The most sought-after school equipment

The most sought-after school equipment

School equipment is often sought after by many people. When talking about school equipment, it won’t be long before the children start learning and going to school. After the long holidays, the parents started getting busy with children’s activities. Determine all the needs of children for school. Especially when children are just starting to go to school, of course, it takes a long time and understanding when children go to school. The most sought-after school equipment.

Almost every year all children will feel happy and happy when they enter the school day. A day where you can meet lots of friends and play together. Not to be left behind with a new appearance that makes children feel confident about going to school. Not only children who have just prepared school equipment.

The shop is busy

Ricci-arte – The children who went to class also started looking for new school equipment. Almost all school supply stores are always overwhelmed when facing the school season. Even though it is crowded and difficult, this is actually a blessing for school equipment sellers. Almost all children will start hunting and choose the school equipment they like.

The habit of parents buying school equipment a week before school starts or two days before going to school. Equipment that is always in search of when going to school, namely:


buy books with funny motives//lots of visitors

The main thing that should not be missed is the book. Lots of types of books are available. From notebooks to picture books. The motifs provided are very cute and have character. Usually, children will be happier with notebooks that have cute and sweet characters. There are also many types of book thicknesses available. You can choose according to your needs and the type of book you want.


Don’t forget to choose cute stationery. There are many types of writing instruments available such as pens, pencils, erasers, and so on. Each stationery is also able to make children happy because of its cute shape.

Pencil case

After buying stationery, prepare a pencil case. There are many types of pencil cases that you can choose from. Each pencil case has a cute and unique shape and model. With a pencil case, children can easily store all writing equipment safely.


One of the best-selling kits as the school day approaches. You can buy various types of bags according to the needs and age of the person buying them. Children will prefer this type of bag with a cute pattern and character. Whereas middle and upper middle school children, often use plain bags with elegant and cool models.