Stationery lover

Stationery lover

Stationery lovers, it turns out that there are lots of cute stationery. When talking about stationery, it’s time for the children to go to school again. Since the pandemic, many children have learned to use online media. Time to write and summarize becomes rare and makes children only read through the monitor.

But the era of staring at the screen has now begun to disappear. Children are able to carry out normal activities as in general children. Start studying and writing summaries at school. Before going to school it is better to prepare all the tools that will be used. Children can ask their parents or adults to take them to choose the type of stationery they want.


There are many types of stationery that you can get. Almost all needs, sometimes we forget and buy it based on its funny and cute shape. Surely you’ve experienced it right? You can feel the feeling of a dilemma when buying stationery when you come face-to-face, such as Ricci-arte

Choose what you need
Buy the stationery you need. Try all the tools and see how much the writing tool you have chosen can do.

Different goals

The most fun thing is when buying cute types of stationery. All of you must have experienced like as long as you buy. Seeing something cute and cute makes you not focus and buy it right away.

buy based on funny and cute//collection

Not used
Have you ever met someone who likes unique things? Those who like unique and funny things will definitely not use the book. prefer it on display and don’t want to use it because it’s a shame.

Afraid of being dirty
Have you ever met someone who always maintains cleanliness? Of course, we have met, especially when it comes to dust, it will be wiped immediately. Likewise, with stationery lovers who see cute and cute stationery that is dirty, they will immediately clean it. It’s better to keep it and not use it for fear of getting dirty.

The most sought-after school equipment

The most sought-after school equipment

School equipment is often sought after by many people. When talking about school equipment, it won’t be long before the children start learning and going to school. After the long holidays, the parents started getting busy with children’s activities. Determine all the needs of children for school. Especially when children are just starting to go to school, of course, it takes a long time and understanding when children go to school. The most sought-after school equipment.

Almost every year all children will feel happy and happy when they enter the school day. A day where you can meet lots of friends and play together. Not to be left behind with a new appearance that makes children feel confident about going to school. Not only children who have just prepared school equipment.

The shop is busy

Ricci-arte – The children who went to class also started looking for new school equipment. Almost all school supply stores are always overwhelmed when facing the school season. Even though it is crowded and difficult, this is actually a blessing for school equipment sellers. Almost all children will start hunting and choose the school equipment they like.

The habit of parents buying school equipment a week before school starts or two days before going to school. Equipment that is always in search of when going to school, namely:


buy books with funny motives//lots of visitors

The main thing that should not be missed is the book. Lots of types of books are available. From notebooks to picture books. The motifs provided are very cute and have character. Usually, children will be happier with notebooks that have cute and sweet characters. There are also many types of book thicknesses available. You can choose according to your needs and the type of book you want.


Don’t forget to choose cute stationery. There are many types of writing instruments available such as pens, pencils, erasers, and so on. Each stationery is also able to make children happy because of its cute shape.

Pencil case

After buying stationery, prepare a pencil case. There are many types of pencil cases that you can choose from. Each pencil case has a cute and unique shape and model. With a pencil case, children can easily store all writing equipment safely.


One of the best-selling kits as the school day approaches. You can buy various types of bags according to the needs and age of the person buying them. Children will prefer this type of bag with a cute pattern and character. Whereas middle and upper middle school children, often use plain bags with elegant and cool models.

Differences between then and now

Differences between then and now

You can tell the difference between writing tools then and now from their use and function. When it comes to writing instruments, those of you who were born in the eighties must have tried all kinds of cool writing instruments. Looks complicated but is comfortable to use. In contrast to today’s stationery, which looks more attractive, so many people buy it, not because of its function, but because of its cute shape.

Not only small children who like cute and cute stationery. Even adults are sometimes also interested in buying stationery that has funny motifs. As you all know, both in the past and today, there are still writing instruments with cute and colorful motifs that are always sought after.

Stationery change

Today’s children, may not be aware of changes in stationery. Ricci-arte – But those of you who were born in the eighties are certainly aware of the big changes to writing instruments. Here is some stationery that you can compare, namely:


One of the writing tools that is now often used in writing and drawing. The pencil that used to use wood was given a pink eraser on top. While the pencil now has a funny shape. There are various types of pencils that you can find such as mechanical pencils, motifs, stacking, and others.

Sharpener or sharpener

If the pencil is blunt and not sharp, you can use a sharpener or sharpener. The sharpener model in earlier times was round with glass underneath. As the times changed, the sharpener also changed. It has a funny shape – funny and cute.


To count a number, of course, you need a tool in the form of an abacus or you can also use a small stick to learn to count. When compared to now, more advanced calculation tools can be done using a calculator or cellphone.


change in form and more unique//cloth pat

At school, if you want to store stationery, use a pencil. In the old days, pencils used a stacked model made of cans or plastic. Now there is no need to use canned pencil models, they have started using environmentally friendly fabrics. It has a funny and cute picture pattern.

Tool For Re-grout Ceramic Seeping

Tool For Re-grout Ceramic Seeping

Ceramics that have holes without grout must be filled in immediately. Because later ceramics that do not have grout will cause water to enter the ceiling or ceramic easily. Ceramics that don’t have grout, so you have to fill it in immediately and make sure you have all the equipment you like

  1. Scrubs [ Ricci-arte ]
    A scrub is a small tool for picking up dirt or cleaning dirt between ceramic tiles. Even though the ceramic has been grouted, make sure that the grout that is still there is still strong. If it is not strong then you need to re-nat. In addition to cleaning damaged grout, the scrub itself can be used as a tool to fill hard liquid in perforated grout.
  2. Sandpaper
    the function of sandpaper is to clean the grout that has been filled. Usually filling the grout will definitely be messy, if you are having trouble cleaning it with water then you can use sandpaper.
  3. Adhesive glue
    adhesive glue for the contents of the grout must be used. Self-adhesive glue such as Demp-x adhesive or grout powder alone. When filling in the grout, make sure you have used a base coat first. By filling in the grout with holes so that it is denser, the grout that will be used is not wasted.
  4. Oil Paint / Leak-proof coating paint
    You can buy oil paint or leak-proof coating paint on ceramics at a hardware store. You can choose leak-proof coating paint in mature or clear colors.
tool for grout//scrubs



Bulldozer menjadi salah satu nama yang mungkin sudah tidak asing untuk kalian di dunia kerja. Bila kalian melihat proyek bangunan pasti menemukan sebuah kendaraan yang besar bisa mengambil pasir dan merobohkan bangunan hanya dengan sekali hentakan saja. Maka tidak salah lagi kalau bulldozer merupakan alat berat yang paling banyak digunakan.

Dengan bodynya yang besar dan alat yang kuat bisa mengambil apa saja dengan mudah. Banyak yang berpikir kalau bulldozer hanya alat untuk mengambil barang saja. orang awam tidak tahu kalau mesin besar dengan alat kuatnya memiliki banyak manfaatnya. Sebuah manfaat yang bisa membuat kalian selalu menggunakannya.

Berikut manfaat yang bisa kalian gunakan yaitu:

  • Membersihkan

Ricci-arte – Untuk orang biasa membersihkan kotoran yang kecil tentu akan mudah membersihkannya. Tetapi kalau lahan yang di bersihkannya besar maka kalian harus menyiapkan alat untuk mengambilnya. Bila lahan yang di bersihkan besar maka membutuhkan alat besar pula untuk mengambilnya.

  • Membuat Lahan

Dalam membangun sebuah rumah atau bangunan tentu memerlukan lintasan untuk bisa melewati dan masuk kedalam proyek. Bulldozer bisa memberi banyak solusi dengan membuat jalan, membuka saluran air, dan masih banyak lagi. dengan kemampuannya besar dan cepat membuat langkah pembangunan jadi mudah.

berguna dalam bangunan//meratakan tanah
  • Menggali

Untuk membuat saluran bukan hanya membuka jalan saja. Tetapi juga harus melakukan penggalian. Tanah yang sudah di gali oleh mesin besar akan di pindahkan ke tanah yang lain. Sekali angkut bukan tanah sedikit yang bawa melainkan sangat banyak.

Jarak pendek

Saat mengambil tanah dan meletakkan tanah jaraknya tidaklah jauh. Meski membawa banyak tanah jarak taruhnya pendek tidak jauh. Bulldozer lebih sering digunakan dalam proyek membangun saluran air, membuat tanggul, Mengangkat pohon dan lain – lainnya.

  • Meratakan Tanah

Selain mengambil dan membersihkan tanah. Ternyata mesin besar ini juga bisa di gunakan untuk meratakan tanah. Bahkan sering digunakan dalam menyebarkan tanah serta mengangkat barang – barang berat.

Efek samping pakai alat pendengar

Efek samping pakai alat pendengar

Efek samping pakai alat pendengar ternyata bisa membuat seseorang jadi tidak focus. Banyak orang tidak tahu kalau menggunakan alat dengar bisa mendapatkan efek samping yang mengganggu pendengaran seseorang. Hal tersebutlah kenapa orang yang mempunyai masalah pendengaran tidak mau memakainya.

Sebuah efek samping yang bisa membuat kalian jadi tidak focus. Berikut beberapa hal yang harus kalian ketahui mengenai efek alat pendengar yaitu:


Sebagian orang yang tidak bisa mendengar tentu tidak akan merasakan suara apa pun. Tetapi berbeda dengan menggunakan alat. Bisa mendengarkan dengan jelas. Hanya saja saat sewaktu – waktu mungkin kalian bisa merasakan suara berdengung di alat pendengar. Ricci-arte

  • Sakit kepala dan telinga

Tahukah kalian kalau mendapatkan suara volume alat pendengar tidak pas bisa membuat seorang penguna alat pendengar bisa mengalami kesakitan. Rasa sakit yang dirasakan dari sakit kepala dan telinga yang berdenging. Untuk mencegah hal terebut kalian bisa mengatur volume alat pendengar terlebih dahulu.

  • Iritasi
gatal dan sakit saat tidak pas//pasang alat

Hal yang membuat pengguna alat pendengar kesakitan yaitu tidak pasnya pemasangan alat pendengar. Terlalu kencang atau terlalu longar sangat tidak bagus untuk Kesehatan telinga. Mudah terkena iritasi. Bisa minta rekomendasi dari dokter THT untuk mengenai alat pendengar yang baik dan cara pakainya.


Bagi orang normal mungkin mengangap kalau orang yang menggunakan alat bantu dengar tidak akan merasakan gatal seperti orang pada umumnya. Ternyata para pengguna alat pendengar juga bisa merasakan gatal. Sehingga kadang pengguna lebih memilih melepas sebentar lalu membersihkan telinga bagian dalam.


Meski memiliki efek samping yang bisa membuat orang terkadang kesakitan dan gatal tetap saja harus menggunakan alat bantu dengar. Tahukah kalian kalau pendengar yang kurang jelas dan tidak bisa menanggapi suara seseorang dengan cepat bisa saja kalian mengalami masalah pendengaran. Penyebab orang bisa terkena gangguan pendengaran yaitu:

  • Sering menonton dengan suara keras
  • Terlalu banyak mendengarkan lagu lewat headset
  • Kemasukan benda di telinga
  • Sering di pukul di area telinga dan masih banyak lagi.

Tidak akan ada yang menyangka kalau orang yang terkena gangguan pendengaran jadi ketergantungan dengan alat dengar. Bukan sebentar saja kalian menggunakan alat pendengar tetapi cukup lama harus kalian gunakan bahkan bisa sampai tua.

Alat music tradisional tiongkok

Alat music tradisional tiongkok

Alat music tradisional tiongkok memiliki suara yang indah dan merdu. Tidak heran bila beberapa film kolosal selalu berhasil membuat cerita dan alur music yang indah. Setiap alat music memiliki kisah tersendiri. Di jaman Dinasti Zhou hampir ada tujuh puluh alat music yang beredar di tiongkok. Alat music yang sampai kini masih ada dan di lestarikan oleh warga setempat.

Tentunya banyak para wisata dan kalian yang penasaran akan indahnya alat music dari tiongkok. Berikut beberapa jenisnya yaitu:

Guqin atau lebih dikenal kecapi

Ricci-arte – Alat music yang paling tua dari semua alat music. Guqin mulai ada pada dinasti Zhou. Pada jaman dinasti Zhou guqin memiliki 5 dawai. Hanya saat pergantian dinasti Guqin mulai berubah dan mendapatkan tambahan dua dawai menjadi 7 dawai. Alat music yang menghadirkan suasana yang berkelas dengan suara yang begitu lembut.

  • Guzheng

Alat music yang pernah populer dan sering di gunakan pada dinasti Qin. Guzheng sendiri di bentuk dari sebuah kotak yang berbentuk cembung. Bahan yang di gunakan berupa kayu. Suara yang dihasilkan sangatlah kencang. Seperti suara angin dan ombak dari laut. Semula guzheng hanya memiliki lima dawai saja. tetapi sejak bergantinya kepemimpinan kini guzheng memiliki dua puluh satu dawai. Di setiap dinasti sebelumnya ternyata guzheng selalu mengalami pertambahan dawai.

  • Pipa

Salah satu alat music yang cara mainnya sama dengan Guqin. Alat music yang dimainkan dengan dipetik dan memiliki empat atau lima dawai. Bentuk alat music pipa sangatlah unik berbentuk seperti buah pir. Alat music yang mulai ada pada jaman dinasti Qin telah ada cukup lama. Karena bentuknya yang unik di dinasti tang pipa menjadi alat music yang populer.

menghasilkan suara merdu//pipa
  • Erhu

Alat music yang dimainkan dengan cara digesek. Setiap suara yang dihasilkan selalu tidak sama dapat berubah – ubah. Bila mendengar suara alunan dari erhu membuat kalian bisa merasakan sebuah semangat yang membara. Erhu pun pernah menjadi alat music yang di mainkan di opera tiongkok.

Soccer equipment

Soccer equipment

Soccer equipment is the main thing in playing ball. For you football fans, of course, you will prepare complete equipment to play ball. Football is a type of sport that many people like the most. Not only men but women also like football.

Lots of people have dreams of becoming great and professional footballers. To be able to become a great player is certainly not just talk. you have to start everything by training physically and strength in playing soccer. Not only that, to complete your training, you can provide some equipment for soccer.

Those who are experts, of course, have prepared more completely. But for those who are new and don’t know about soccer, you can prepare a number of items such as Ricci-arte


One of the compliments that you must have. To start all activities, of course, you use sports shoes to train your body. But the shoes you choose must be special shoes for soccer. Shoes that can keep you from feeling pain and not keep you from tripping.


comfortable and breathable material//complete

If you are an expert soccer player, of course, you will need a jersey more. But if you just like it and play normally, you don’t need a jersey. Of course, many don’t know what a jersey is. Jersey is sports clothing that is made specifically to make soccer players comfortable.


Besides the jersey, you also have to prepare soccer pants. In soccer, pants are the most important thing. Using special materials that can make the players comfortable and have no difficulty in moving.

A soccer player must also prepare long socks. Socks that can keep players from feeling cold.

Deker has a great function for players. Can protect the knee from being hurt. Using a deck can make the blood flow in the knee stable.

Macam – macam alat music tradisional

Macam – macam alat music tradisional

Macam – macam alat music tradisional yang bisa kalian pelajari dan ketahui. Ada banyak sekali jenis alat music yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Berbagai jenis suara indah bisa terbentuk dari alat music tradisional seperti;


Bende merupakan alat music yang memiliki kemiripan dengan alat music Aramba. Bende sendiri merupakan alat music dari daerah lampung. Cara memainkannya pun tidaklah sulit hanya di pukul dengan alat pukul yang khusus untuk bende. Pada jaman kerajaan bende sendiri sering di gunakan sebagai tanda pemberi pengumuman yang penting. Ricci-arte

  • Ceng Ceng

Berlibur di bali kalau tidak mampir ke beberapa tempat wisata rasanya ada yang kurang komplit. Untuk kalian yang suka dengan music tentu ingin sekali melihat alat music dari Ceng ceng. Alat music yang menghasilkan suara indah hanya dengan saling membenturkannya saja. kedua telapak tangan yang mengengam ceng ceng bisa kalian benturkan untuk menghasilkan nada yang indah.


Alat music yang ternyata memiliki beberapa cerita sejarah yang hebat. Alat music yang bisa kalian temukan di daerah Bengkulu. Di dalam kisah perang Bengkulu alat music doll sering di gunakan sebagai alat memperingati revolusi Husain. Tidak heran kalau beberapa orang mengangap kalau doll sebagai alat music gendering perang.

jenis alat music//demung
  • Gamelan

Gamelang alat music yang bukan hanya terdiri dari satu saja. Melainkan ada banyak jenis yang menjadi kesatuan gamelang. Gamelang merupakan alat music yang sering kalian jumpai di beberapa daerah seperti di madura, bali, Lombok dan lain – lain. Suara yang di hasilkan dari beberapa alat music mampu menghasilkan suara yang indah. Tidak heran kalau dari beberapa turis dan negara ingin mencoba memainkan alat music gamelan.

  • Ganda

Bila kalian bertemu dengan alat music yang hampir sama Dengan gendang maka kalian baru saja melihat alat music ganda. Alat music yang berasal dari Sulawesi tengah dengan bahan yang di buat dari kayu yang di lubangi bagian tengahnya. Tak lupa juga di bagian kanan dan kirinya di bungkus dengan kulit binatang yang sudah di keringkan.

Hearing aids

Hearing aids

Hearing aids can make someone who is deaf able to hear normally again. Hearing is one of the most important means of communication. Not being able to hear makes someone unable to communicate with many people. Makes someone easily discouraged and not confident.

A tool almost the same as a speaker that can capture sound and make someone know what other people mean. A tool that can help amplify sound when sent into the ear. There are several hearing aids that can be used outside and inside.

Identify hearing devices

Not everyone with hearing problems uses the same tools. There are several types of hearing aids available. To buy it, you also have to know which type of hearing aid is suitable for those who have hearing problems. Although only different forms and types of work and function are the same. Ricci-arte

Ordinary people may only know one type of tool that exists. Buying HearingAids must be according to the user, namely:


If you start to not be able to hear then you can be taken to the hospital. Ask your doctor about the conditions you are experiencing. Then the doctor will do some examinations on you. If what is found is malignant, the family must make an operating decision. But if it’s light, you can buy HearingAids.

tools that have a fairly high price//outer type


Don’t just buy hearing aids. When buying it you have to know your ear size first. Choose the right size so that when used it is not too big or too small.

Additional features

Looks like just an ordinary tool. but did you know that HearingAids also have some additional features? Being able to hear a lot of voices is certainly a pleasant thing. But too much noise is also not good. To drown it out, you can recharge your hearing aids using available devices such as laptops and cell phones.

With additional features, you have to pay a lot of money. In contrast to ordinary hearing aids which cannot muffle noise.